The Biggest Myths About Drinking

I came across this article and decided I would share the knowledge with you, just so you also have a conversation starter this St.Patrick’s Day…it’s the biggest myths about drinking booze… here are a few of the highlights

  1. Hair of the dog works… they say it doesn’t actually work, you’re just delaying your hangover…
  2. Hangovers are caused by mixing drinks… They say it doesn’t matter what you drink, just how much
  3. Coffee Can Sober you up…it doesn’t, only time can sober you up
  4. Breaking the seal…apparently that’s not a real thing…this one I have the hardest time believing because I feel like I’ve experienced breaking the seal many many times.
  5. Soaking up the booze with food to help your hangover in the morning… I guess that’s not actually a thing… by the time you eat that delicious McDonalds (McDouble and a Junior Chicken please) the booze has already done its job…

There you go, a neat little conversation starter for you. As a sidenote: my co-host Jimmy argued every single one of these with me, so get ready for some push back

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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