Recently Played

  1. 5:31amThis Beat Goes OnThe Kings
  2. 5:28amInterstate Love SongStone Temple Pilots
  3. 5:23amFly At Night (In the Morning We Land)Chilliwack
  4. 5:15amSweet Child O' MineGuns N' Roses
  5. 5:11amBarracudaHeart
  6. 5:06amDream OnAerosmith
  7. 5:03amHere Comes the NightStreetheart
  8. 5:00amBuddy HollyWeezer
  9. 4:56amSomething to Live ForBarney Bentall & The Legendary Hearts
  10. 4:53amHeart of GoldNeil Young
The Grant Report: Kim Jong Un's 40th birthday... #TheLOCKERROOM: @LochlinCross @GrantTheJohson @jwhite957 SHOP NOW: